Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pirates! duped by dolphins? earth's future?

Dolphins are probably one of the smartest animals to ever live on this great green planet. This article features dolphins protecting our waters from sea fairing terrorists, using a keen special ability that would make even Bruce Wayne a little jealous.

Dolphins scour the oceans looking to gangbang sharks and other asshole sea dirges. My only guess is that in 2012 they will move into their next stage of evolution, taking the place of humans by sprouting legs and arms (becoming more human), moving out of the oceans and attacking humans with tridents and/or drowning them in blowhole water while they slee at night. They will be unstoppable for they will not know how to control their new found lust for human blood. Dolphins will then pave the way for other oceanic creatures to rise out of the oceans and become land dwellers (whales, manatees, sea lions ohmy!). This sea to land movement will be dreadful for our native land animals and will disrupt their ecosystem if they do not fight back. Land animals will not possess the firepower to fight back against the dolphins and will be phased out along with humans, leaving dolphins as earth kings...I believe they will look something like this.....

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"i fuckin' double dog dare ya' to throw one more plastic bottle into my milky diamond ocean"

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