-In 1814, 9 people were killed dead in London when 323,000 gallons of cold hard crimson beer burst out of the vats of a brewery and stormed the streets, drowning and killing people dead.
-Jim Creighton, believed to be the first professional baseball player, threw the first fastball and completed the first recorded triple play in baseball. However, it is believed that he died from swinging a baseball bat too hard and rupturing his bladder.
-In 1919, 21 people were killed and 150 injured in Boston (suck it, Celtics), when a tank containing over 2 MILLLLLION gallons of viscous, sticky molasses EXPLODED, and sent a wave of molasses churning through the street. Waves of thick tarry molasses, ranging from 8-40 feet tall, moving at over 35 miles an hour swept through the streets, drowning and suffocating animals and humans alike. Sweet-smelling, warm rushes of air from the explosion sent people flying off their feet, derailed a train, and sent a truck flying into the harbor. People, dogs, and most unfortunately, horses were killed in this dastardly twist of fate. Rest in Peace.
Wow, reading up on all that stuff was kind of depressing. Dogs and horses dying in rivers of molasses, coughing with their little animal lungs trying to live. Typical Boston bullshit. I didn't intend for this post to be a deathfest, but life is funny like that; one second you're sifting through a meadow of interesting facts on the internet and the next thing you know, you're chin-deep in molasses river bursts, swimming through fields of syrupy bodies and streets.
Tomorrow is my fake Easter, since i'm a half-Greek Piece of crap and Greek Easter isn't for another few weeks and with that, i leave you with this happy picture, to bring you happy thoughts of friendship, Jesus coming back to life for a day.. and also benevolence and young animals.

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